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WE'RE BACK! the last 8 months in photos, including engagement shoot & more!

photo by Eric Limon Photography S: After a hiatus, the roommates are back! When life gives you lemons, sometimes you make lemonade, and sometimes you hunker down just doing the absolute basics because really, that is all that is possible, and that is okay. :) Since we last saw you, we had another move (into a new place that we really love!) multiple busy seasons at work, and of course the run of the mill random craziness that comes up while  you live your life. Now that we have settled into our new home and made it through some big happenings, we are starting to focus more and more on our wedding planning! G: Woof - big thanks to Shannon for being the best partner and roommate ever. In our time as a couple, we've lived at five different addresses (three in the past year alone). If you know me, you know I HATE moving, so it's been rough. We've settled now, and I love our new place. Engagement Photos S: We recently hit our one-year-out from our wedding and have been diving in...

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